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PHA Developments Parking Rules

The following rules govern the use of parking areas at the Provincetown Housing Authority (PHA)
State Elderly/Non-Elderly Developments:

If no parking space is available at the time a tenant registers their vehicle, that tenant will be
placed on a Waiting List which will be in order of seniority. The tenant who has owned a vehicle
the longest while living in the development will be assigned the next available parking space.

a. A vehicle must be registered to the tenant in order for it to be properly registered with the PHA.
b. To register a vehicle with the PHA tenants must provide a valid Massachusetts Vehicle Registration and Driver’s License during normal business hours at the PHA office.
c. No household will be assigned more than one parking space.
d. Only the PHA may assign parking spaces.

Tenants who sell, dispose of or otherwise give up their vehicle must report it to the PHA immediately and will no longer have an assigned parking space unless they register a new vehicle within 15 days as stated above.

Tenants who, at anytime, can no longer drive due to physical constraints, or whose license expires and is not renewed, are required to notify the PHA within one week. Tenants will be given 15 days to have the vehicle removed from the premises and the tenant will no longer have an assigned parking space.

Tenants with an assigned parking space who do not park in their assigned space shall forfeit it to the next tenant on the PHA’s Waiting List. No tenant may give their assigned space to another tenant.

Tenant Parking: All tenants shall park vehicles within the marked lines of their assigned space. All vehicles parked on PHA property must have a current Massachusetts registration, valid inspection sticker and be on file with the PHA.

Visitor Parking: All visitors (including Case Workers & Homemakers) shall park on the adjacent street(s) of the development in accordance with Town Ordinances when visitor spaces are full.. No visitor may park in a tenant reserved parking space.

 No parking outside of authorized parking spaces.
 No tenant may park in another tenant’s reserved parking space.
 No visitor may park in any Tenant reserved parking space.
 No parking on sidewalks.
 No parking in Fire Lanes.
 No parking on any grass area, walkway, path or common area.
 No unregistered, un-inspected and/or uninsured vehicles on PHA property.
 No parking where posted along circles or drive through areas.
 No inoperable vehicles on PHA property. Tenants in the process of repairing a vehicle must apply at the PHA’s Main Office for a written waiver. If granted, the maximum allowable time to either make all necessary repairs or remove the vehicle is 15 days.

No vehicle, which is determined by the PHA to be inoperable or leaking oil/fluid of posing a threat to the safety of the tenants of PHA, shall be stored or parked on PHA Property.

No boats, trailers, campers or commercial vehicles are permitted to park on PHA Property.

Any vehicle found violating any section of this parking policy shall be towed after 24-hour notice at the owner’s expense. Except in an emergency situation for which no notice will be required.

The parking policy may be amended or modified by the PHA upon approval of the tenant’s organization and the PHA Board of Commissioners and by giving each tenant a copy thirty days prior to implementation.

This is to certify that I have received a copy of the parking rules and understand that I, and anyone in my household and/or guest(s), must comply with all of its provisions during my tenancy.

______________________________________________                _______________________
Signature of Head of Household                                                                   Date Signed
______________________________________________                ________________________
Signature of Other Adult Member                                                                 Date S

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