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Provincetown Housing Authority
The PROVINCETOWN HOUSING AUTHORITY will hold a regular meeting on
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2018 at 5:15 pm
in the Maushope Common Room located at 44 Harry Kemp Way,
Provincetown, Massachusetts, 02657
1. Call to Order
2. Public Statements
3. Accounts Payable/Receivable Review
4. Approval of Vouchers (votes may be taken)
5. FISH Projects Update/ Capital Improvement Plan (votes may be taken)
6. New business (votes may be taken)
7. Closing statements
posted www.provincetown-ma.gov 11/08/2018 11:05 am lf

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The Provincetown Housing Authority
will hold a Regular meeting of the BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS
on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2018 at 5:15 P.M. located at
1. Roll Call
2. Public Statements
3. Commissioners Statements
4. Approval of Minutes (votes may be taken)
5. Chair’s Report
6. Executive Director’s Report:
a. Financial Report – Accountant Jenna Milne, CPA (votes may be taken)
1. Financial Statements review
2. Year end accounting – Accountant Jenna Milne, CPA
3. Rent roll, Vacancy Report
4. Turnover and extraordinary expenses
b. Property Report
1. Maushope, Census- 22 of 24.
2. Family, Census- 10 of 10
3. Foley House, Census- 10 of 10
4. Grace Gouveia Building, Census- 3 of 3
5. Future projects- Painting of interior hall Maushope
7. Other Business
a. RFP expansion project and discussion
b. Friends of Maushope
c. Tenants Association
d. CHC and CPA Committee Report
e. AHVP Vouchers
f. RFP expansion project and discussion
g. Grant applications to AHTH and CPC
h. Policies & procedures- Personnel, Credit card, Tenant Handbook (votes may be taken)
i. Acquisition of new property and units projects
8. New Business (votes may be taken)
9. Approval of Vouchers (votes may be taken)
10. Closing Statements

2018 (click month to view)

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