46 Harry Kemp Way is Blue section.
September 2020
The Provincetown Housing Authority supports the creation, acquisition and management of more affordable year-round housing in Provincetown!
Provincetown’s tourist economy and high property values have resulted in a lack of enough affordable housing for our year-round population. While we have done better than most towns on the Cape at creating affordable housing, the town needs at least 250 more units to make the year-round community viable. (Housing Playbook)
“The high proportion of older people living in the Provincetown will eventually mean a high demand for low maintenance residences. Catering to the needs and preferences of an older population is imperative for the success of Provincetown’s economy.”
Recommendation: Look to the Housing Authority to expand their role with the senior population. (TOWN OF PROVINCETOWN HOUSING STRATEGIES BY CAMOIN ASSOCIATES 310 IN 2019)
Our plan is to build 10 to 15 bedrooms/units of Supportive Housing at 46 Harry Kemp Way, a small plot of land behind our current Senior housing at the Maushope Building.
Supportive Housing combines housing with services for older adults and people with disabilities. Residents live independently but get help with housekeeping, meals, laundry, shopping, coordination of case management and accessing community resources.
The PHA proposes to address a niche need for affordable housing for seniors and those with living with disabilities by adding supportive affordable units to our town housing inventory. To do so we have negtiated for the purchase of a piece of land abutting our current Senior property. In order to purchase the land we have written a Grant for purchase funds to the Community Preservation Fund. The Grant was recommended by the Community Preservation Committee and the Select Board. It goes to Town Meeting on September 21, 2020 for approval by the townspeople. We hope to have the voters support in this endeavor and ask you to vote yes for our funding request.
Thank you for your consideration from the Board of Commissioners of the Provincetown Housing Authority