Provincetown, MA 02657
Issued: February 24, 2021
Issued by Provincetown Housing Authority, Board of Commissioners
Contact: Kristin Hatch, Executive Director, Questions Due: March 10, 2021
Proposal Received no later than: 4PM on April 7, 2021
No. of Copies: 5 paper copies and 1 electronic copy, submitted to the address above INVITATION
The Provincetown Housing Authority (PHA) invites proposals from qualified firms or individuals to provide leadership, technical assistance, and oversight for the investigation and planning for expanding the PHA’s number of units at 42-46 Harry Kemp Way. Proposals will be evaluated on qualifications, references, and technical submissions. Price proposals will be opened after the technical proposals have been scored.
The PHA currently owns and operates 33 State subsidized units and 13 affordable housing units in Provincetown and also manages 22 AHVP Vouchers. In November of 2020 the PHA acquired an adjacent lot to its main campus and desires to add units to its inventory in response to the crisis level of need for affordable housing in town. Since the PHA is a small Housing Authority at the end of a long road with a part-time Director, we know we will need professional assistance in this endeavor and seek a consultant to help guide us by issuing this Request for Proposal.
Request for Proposals (RFP) may be obtained by emailing or calling 508-487-0434 to arrange a pick-up at the Provincetown Housing Authority, 44 Harry Kemp Way, Provincetown, MA.
Proposals should be mailed to or delivered to:
Kristin Hatch, Executive Director
Provincetown Housing Authority
44 Harry Kemp Way, Ste 1
Provincetown, MA 02657
Proposals must be received in-hand by 4 p.m. on April 7, 2021. Postmarks with that date will not be considered. Late proposals will not be considered. Respondents must submit separate technical (non-price) and price proposals.
Non-Price Proposal: Five (5) copies of the technical non-price proposal must be submitted in a sealed envelope indicating the respondent’s name and address. The envelope must be marked
in the lower left-hand corner: “Consultant Services Proposals for Provincetown Housing Authority, Maushope Development Project, Non-price Proposal.”
Price Proposal: One copy of the price proposal must be submitted in a sealed envelope that indicates the respondent’s name and address. The envelope must be marked in the lower left- hand corner: “Consultant Services Proposals for Provincetown Housing Authority, Maushope Development Project, Price Proposal.”
All price proposals must be submitted as described above on forms furnished by the Housing Authority and found in the back of this request for proposals. Proposals submitted on any other form will not be accepted.
The Provincetown Housing Authority received Community Preservation Act funds for consulting and planning for the development of additional affordable housing units at 42-46 Harry Kemp Way in Provincetown. The CPA grant funds the initial planning and will be used for consulting on funding, site planning, septic design, engineering, and building design.
The Maushope site currently has: The Maushope Building is a 24 one-bedroom unit DHCD “program 667” elderly/disabled units, and 4 DHCD, “program 705” two- and three-bedroom family units. The current units are all currently for very-low and low-income individuals and families. The development site plan will identify the possibilities for increasing the number of units on the property, which has increased with the recent purchase of the empty lot at 46 Harry Kemp Way.
The initial planning will identify: the number of units; unit size; and income categories, as well as unit type (elderly, handicapped and family). The expansion will include units designed to be accessible for persons with disabilities as well as accommodations for needed live-in caregivers. Units developed will be year-round rentals that are held as affordable housing with a deed restriction in perpetuity.
The goal for the expansion of the PHA is to ultimately double the current number of units on the property. An initial review by “Provincetown 365” member, architect Paul Kelly and other community members and town staff, imagined possibilities and supported the plan. A preliminary site design by “Provincetown 365” identified the potential to expand on the existing Maushope property. Furthermore, with the recent purchase of the .35-acre adjacent lot recently acquired by the Provincetown Housing Authority added to the existing 1.7-acre campus.
The Provincetown Select Board has made additional rental housing a high priority community goal. The Maushope property expansion supports the select board’s goal to increase the number of rental housing units.
The Provincetown Housing Authority [PHA] seeks a professional development consultant to assist with the expansion planning. The consultant should have experience in affordable housing development, site development, and financing. The development consultant will be responsible for providing the following services to the Provincetown Housing Authority (PHA):
I. Program Concept
A. Work with PHA to cultivate development program concept for rental housing, including target population income, family composition, service needs, etc.
II. Site Feasibility and Conceptual Site Design
- Coordinate and manage all pre-development activities and the project schedule.
- Assist the PHA in procuring an engineer for survey, soils analysis, septic and site capacity, access, and parking, along with any other third-party consultants needed for pre-development.
- Provide oversight and coordination for third-party consultants.
- Present status reports identify key decisions and advise the PHA Board on all matters pertaining to the pre-development process.
- Test the financial and legal feasibility of the proposed development program and recommend refinements to the PHA.
- Coordinate process to identify design priorities. Engage design professional to draft design guidelines, if needed.
III. Financial Feasibility Analysis
- Assess the feasibility of the project based on expected costs and available sources of funding.
- Develop preliminary development and operating pro-formas to analyze various financing options.
IV. Preparation of Request for Proposals.
A. Draft a Request for Proposals for an architect/developer for the Maushope expansion project that reflects the PHA’s priorities, including sensory-sensitive insulation, walk-in showers, ramps, wheelchair compliant appliances and other needs to create accessibility.
Respondents must submit a non-price (or technical) proposal and a separate sealed price proposal. All technical proposals should include the following:
- Letter of Intent: Summarize the respondent’s qualifications. Identify specific staff who would be assigned to the Maushope project and in what capacity and provide a statement of understanding of the RFP. A principal of the respondent should sign the Letter of Intent; if two or more parties present a joint proposal, a principal of each party should sign the Letter of Intent.
- Availability and Qualifications: Respondents should certify their ability to start work immediately and should propose a staffing plan for the Maushope project that describes the existing time commitments of the staff who may be assigned to the project. Provide a resume for all staff identified in the proposed staffing plan.
- Experience consulting on the development of affordable housing projects: This section should detail the Respondent’s experience with public and private housing projects involving affordable rental housing. Include any information that will shed light on experience with comparable projects, particularly experience permitting projects under Ch. 40B, familiarity with public housing bidding/procurement and disposition requirements, familiarity with DHCD funding and/or tax-exempt financing, experience working with DHCD Private Housing and understanding of land disposition, modular housing process and DHCD regulatory issues, and relocation expenses and regulations. Description should identify projects, location, date, type of owner, Respondent’s role in project, construction cost, financing, current status, and contact person.
- Approach to PHA Involvement: Describe experience and approach to working with a volunteer Board of Commissioners, and provide any sample reporting, or project tracking materials that may be applicable.
- Current Work: List all projects currently under contract, including project description, role and timeline.
- Non-collusion Form, Disclosure of Beneficial Interest, and SOWMBA: Complete attached Non-Collusion Form, Disclosure of Beneficial Interest form, and attach State Office of Women and Minority Business Assistance (SOWMBA) Certification, if applicable.
- References: Provide five (5) references including name, title, organization, address, telephone and fax number, email address, and description of involvement with Respondent.
General Conditions
- The successful respondent shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, particularly MGL Ch. 30B regulations.
- Purchases made by the PHA are exempt from taxes, and prices must exclude any taxes. Tax Certificates will be provided upon request.
- Verbal orders are not binding on the PHA and work done without formal Purchase Order or Contract are at the risk of the Consultant and may result in an unenforceable claim.
- All words, signatures, and figures submitted on the proposal shall be in ink. Proposals that are conditional, obscure, or which contain additions not called for in the specifications, erasures, alterations, or irregularities may be rejected.
- The Provincetown Housing Authority reserves the right to reject all proposals, to waive technicalities, to advertise for new proposals, and to make awards as may be deemed to be in the best interests of the PHA. The Provincetown Housing Authority reserves the right to continue to work with the selected consultant during the implementation of the expansion project. The contract will be awarded by the PHA within thirty (30) business days after opening proposals.
- Reports and materials developed by the successful consultant, after awards are made and submitted to the Provincetown Housing Authority, are considered public information and may not be copyrighted.
- All proposals become the property of the Provincetown Housing Authority. The PHA has the right to disclose information contained in the proposals once awards have been made.
Contract Period
The contract period shall be from (exact date to be established upon award) until completion but not later than eight (8) months.
Within 10 days of notice of award from the Provincetown Housing Authority, the Consultant shall enter into a contract for services with the Provincetown Housing Authority. Within 7 days of contract execution, the contractor shall commence the services provided for in the Scope of Services below.
A fee or compensation proposal should be submitted in a separate sealed envelope and clearly detail hourly rate for additional work as requested by the PHA.
Respondents should submit one (1) original and five (5) copies of the proposal and one (1) original sealed price bid to:
Executive Director Provincetown Housing Authority 44 Harry Kemp Way Provincetown, MA 02657
Proposals are due on Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 4 p.m. Electronic proposals will not be accepted. Late proposals will not be accepted. Any submissions received after this time will be considered non-responsive and will be disqualified.
Technical questions during the proposal phase may be addressed, in writing only to:
Executive Director Housing Authority 44 Harry Kemp Way
Provincetown, MA 02657
FAX: 508-487-2262
The PHA must receive all such requests no later than 4 p.m. on March 10, 2021. (by mail, email, fax or hand-delivery).
All questions and clarifications will be answered in one written addendum, to be issued no later than March 15, 2021, to all Respondents who have been issued a copy of this RFP and have been duly recorded as having received a copy in the Authority’s RFP distribution log.
Comparative Evaluation
All proposals submitted by the due date will be evaluated for conformance with the below stated minimum criteria. Those proposals that meet the minimum criteria will then be evaluated by the comparative criteria described below. Proposers will be invited for an interview and will be scored by the review committee[LS1] . Proposers should hold Feb. 26, 2021 open for potential interviews. The PHA reserves the right to select the proposal that best meets the needs of the community and that may not be the proposal that achieves the highest score.
Minimum threshold criteria
The following are minimum criteria for Proposal consideration. Proposals that do not clearly and fully convey these minimum criteria will not be considered.
- Complete conformance with all submission requirements
- Proposing Team must demonstrate availability to commence work within 60 days of selection; show sufficient staff resources and availability to perform required services
- Completed required forms as Attachments:
- Certificate of non-collusion
- Tax compliance
- Disclosure of beneficial interests form as required by M.G.L. c. 7C, section 38
- Price Proposal Form
Comparative Evaluation Criteria
Projects meeting the minimum criteria will then be judged on the following additional comparative evaluation criteria:
Experience developing affordable rental housing
- Highly Advantageous: Demonstrated experience with all aspects of developer’s role in residential projects; and significant experience, ten (10) years or more[LS2] , with affordable public, private and rental housing developments using state or federal funding; experience working with DHCD public housing division and land disposition.
- Advantageous: Demonstrated experience with all aspects of developer’s role in a significant number, 5 to 10 years or more[LS3] , of affordable rental housing developments uses state or federal funding; experience working with DHCD public housing division and land disposition.
- Not Advantageous: Experience with all aspects of market rate and subsidized residential homeownership development.
- Unacceptable: Little or no experience with subsidized housing development.
Knowledge of CH. 40B comprehensive permit process
Highly Advantageous: Significant experience permitting comprehensive permits within the last ten years.
- Advantageous: Experience permitting one comprehensive permit and one project requiring zoning variances within the past ten years.
- Non-Advantageous: Experience permitting as-of-right developments.
- Unacceptable: No experience with direct responsibility for project permitting.
Familiarity with state public housing procurement and disposition regulations
- Highly Advantageous: Direct responsibility bidding and procurement of project subject to CH. 30B and Ch. 149.
- Advantageous: Experience as developer in project subject to Ch. 30B (but not necessarily Ch.
149) without direct responsibility for implementation.
- Unacceptable: No experience with Ch. 30B or CH. 149.
Knowledge of Relocation Regulations and Expenses
- Highly Advantageous: Direct responsibility for tenant relocation subject to Uniform Relocation Act in at least one (1) residential project.
- Advantageous: Direct responsibility for residential tenant relocation subject to Uniform Relocation Act.
- Unacceptable: No experience with tenant relocation.
Experience working with volunteer board of directors, particularly Public Housing Commissioners
- Highly Advantageous: Significant experience working with various volunteer boards, at least one of which was Public Housing Commissioners, with satisfactory reference checks.
- Advantageous: Some experience working with volunteer boards with satisfactory reference checks.
- Unacceptable: No experience working with volunteer Boards or poor reference checks.
Ability to start immediately
- Highly Advantageous: Key staff available to begin within 30 days of notification of selection.
- Advantageous: Key staff available to begin within 60 days of notification of selection.
- Unacceptable: Unable to begin work within 90 days of notification.
Experience working with residents, neighborhood groups and local government
- Highly Advantageous: References indicating successful involvement of residents, neighborhood groups and local government in project development on at least one project.
- Advantageous: Submit plan to involve residents, neighborhood groups and local government.
- Unacceptable: No experience or plan working in the community.
Authority rights and responsibility
The PHA reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and is under no obligation to award a contract under this RFP. The PHA will not be responsible or liable in any manner for costs incurred by the Respondents in the preparation and submission of responses to the RFP. All information submitted to the PHA by Respondents in response to this RFP becomes the property of the PHA regardless of award of the contract.
Provincetown Housing Authority Development Consultant Maushope
Please write your proposal offer:
Print/Type your proposal amount in written form:
Print/Type your proposal amount above in number form:
Note: Both written and number forms should be the same. If there is a conflict between the written form and the number form amounts, the written form will prevail.
Name of proposer: _____________________________________________________
Name of person signing proposal: __________________________________________
Signature of person signing proposal: ________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________
Title: _____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
(Note: This form must be included in the price proposal submission)
ATTACHMENT: Certificate of non-collusion & tax compliance
Pursuant to Section 49A of Chapter 62C of the General Laws of Massachusetts, I hereby certify that I have complied with all Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts relating to taxes.
This statement is made under the pains and penalties of perjury this day of , 2021. Signed: _____________________________________________
Printed Name: _____________________________________________
Name of Agency/Organization: _________________________________________
Social Security or Federal Identification Number: _____________________________
The undersigned certifies under the penalties of perjury that this bid or proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification, the word “person” shall mean any natural person, agency, business, partnership, corporation, union, committee, club, or other organization, entity, or group of individuals.
Signed: Printed Name:
Name of Agency/Organization:
M.G.L. c. 7C, s. 38 (formerly M.G.L. c. 7, s. 40J)
The undersigned party to a real property transaction with a public agency hereby discloses and certifies, under pains and penalties of perjury, the following information as required by law:
- Real Property:
- Type of Transaction, Agreement, or Document:
- Public Agency Participating in Transaction:
- Disclosing Party’s Name and Type of Entity (if not an individual):
- Role of Disclosing Party (Check appropriate role):
Lessor/Landlord Lessee/Tenant
Seller/Grantor Buyer/Grantee
Other (Please describe):
- The names and addresses of all persons and individuals who have or will have a direct or indirect beneficial interest in the real property excluding only (i) a stockholder of a corporation with stock which is listed for sale to the general public by the securities and exchange commission, if such stockholder holds less than ten per cent of the outstanding stock entitled to vote at the annual meeting of such corporation or (ii) an owner of a time share that has an interest in a leasehold condominium meeting all of the conditions specified in M.G.L. c. 7C, s. 38, are hereby disclosed as follows (attach additional pages if necessary):
- None of the above-named persons is an employee of the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance or an official elected to public office in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, except as listed below (insert “none” if none):
- The individual signing this statement on behalf of the above-named party acknowledges that she/he/they has read the following provisions of Chapter 7C, Section 38 (formerly Chapter 7,
Section 40J) of the General Laws of Massachusetts: No agreement to rent or to sell real property to or to rent or purchase real property from a public agency, and no renewal or extension of such agreement, shall be valid and no payment shall be made to the lessor or seller of such property unless a statement, signed, under the penalties of perjury, has been filed by the lessor, lessee, seller or purchaser, and in the case of a corporation by a duly authorized officer thereof giving the true names and addresses of all persons who have or will have a direct or indirect beneficial interest in said property with the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any stockholder of a corporation the stock of which is listed for sale to the general public through the securities and exchange commission, if such stockholder holds less than ten percent of the outstanding stock entitled to vote at the annual meeting of such corporation. In the case of an agreement to rent property from a public agency where the lessee’s interest is held by the organization of unit owners of a leasehold condominium created under Chapter 183A, and time-shares are created in the leasehold condominium under Chapter 183B, the provisions of this section shall not apply to an owner of a time-share in the leasehold condominium who (i) acquires the time-share on or after a bona fide arms-length transfer of such time-share made after the rental agreement with the public agency is executed and (ii) who holds less than three percent of the votes entitled to vote at the annual meeting of such organization of unit owners. A disclosure statement shall also be made in writing, under penalty of perjury, during the term of a rental agreement in case of any change of interest in such property, as provided for above, within thirty days of such change.
Any official elected to public office in the commonwealth, or any employee of the division of capital asset management and maintenance disclosing beneficial interest in real property pursuant to this section, shall identify his position as part of the disclosure statement. The commissioner shall notify the state ethics commission of such names and shall make copies of any and all disclosure statements received available to the state ethics commission upon request.
The commissioner shall keep a copy of each disclosure statement received available for public inspection during regular business hours.
- This Disclosure Statement is hereby signed under penalties of perjury.
Print Name of Disclosing Party (from Section 4, above) _____________________________
Authorized Signature of Disclosing Party ________________________________________
Date (mm / dd / yyyy) _____________________
Print Name & Title of Authorized Signer _________________________________________
(Note: This form must be included in the proposal submission)